Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Channel 11: Revamping in Chester

I have been hearing lately that Channel 11 Comcast Educational Channel in the Chester Upland School District will be revamping its station. A direct report from an unnamed source said it was dead and needed to be brought to life. The station is a local information feed from Comcast. Comcast operates as a local feed for district's schools. So far as I know Channel 11 in Chester reports flashes of information announcing school closures due to bad weather, sign up for Kindergarten, health updates about TB, immunization, and uniform policy; All very good information to the local public.

The people who would be instrumental in the revamping are the newly formed TV Club run by students in the district. The TV Club will be guided by the leadership of Advisor John DuBois, Math teacher at Chester High School. At a recent brainstorming meeting, ideas flowed about the direction for the station. Interest so far is a weekly program highlight of current events, spotlight on alumni, fictional programs, educational shows, and maybe state of the union messages from top administrators. The station will be student centered but guided by Advisor DuBois. Club officers will be named director, head writer, station manager, and technical support instead of the typical president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. They plan to start the revamping in three weeks. So good news for channel 11!

The hope is for the local viewers to tune in more for these new ideas in the programming of channel 11. I think this is a good idea to hear about good events no matter what the source. I hope to continue to expand this blog. Local viewers as well as people in the general area, nationwide, and worldwide can certainly continue to read postings. Thank you for all your kind words. It is so nice to know that people from Chester who no longer live in the area can read the good news from anywhere they now reside in the world.


  1. Very informative & timely. The good news about our school district is much needed. Kudo's to you for doing an exceptional job in reporting the good news. Continue to use your gift of writing for the pen is mightier than the sword. You are SPECIAL.

  2. Thank you so much. I appreciate your comment.
