Thursday, August 27, 2015

Convocation in Chester Upland

A full auditorium at Chester High School for the annual convocation

Today was the first day back for staff in the Chester Upland School District. The district held its annual convocation with the theme “Get in the game.” The theme is based on Key & Peele's – Teaching Center video, see it here. Superintendent Gregory Shannon asked, “What If teachers were treated like a star athlete?” You can imagine the product you will get if teachers were drafted like athletes. Shannon believes that “Everyone should be treated like a first round pick.” Schools are scheduled to open for students on September 2nd, “Our Vision is to ensure that every student in every school receives a world-class education that is rigorous and engaging,” said Shannon. The district is moving forward with the third year of reform but with some setback, lack of funding. The district may not be able to make payroll by September 9th but it is hopeful that staff will report to work just as they did in 2012. Chester Upland is going into the school year with 23 new staff members. As one newly hired staff who travels an hour away said, “As long as I have gas to get here…” He trailed off with a shrug. Now that's motivation!

Dwight Carter from Chester was the motivational speaker. He is a principal in Ohio. He is the product of a teenage mother who had him at the age of 15 and his siblings at the age of 17. He shared some great ideas. Everyone seemed rallied up to keep schools open.

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