Monday, July 2, 2012

Train at Gameshape AKA Boot Camp

Jay Raymond
Anytime I have to make an unscheduled stop, I am not a happy camper. I found out I needed a brake light so this added to the list of things I needed to do today.

On the schedule of things I am doing this summer is Boot Camp.  Boot Camp is Train at Gameshape. The owner and trainer is Jay Raymond. Train at Gameshape is not the typical gym. If I wanted to walk on a treadmill, I can do that at home. This is real movement. Up early in the mornings to get whipped into shape, be ready for some rigorous exercises. You get your foot in the door; you get put to work right away. There is no standing around. Don’t understand what these other people are doing. Well, get a clue and start moving. Warm up and get the body moving to various rounds of exercises. Jay says, “If you feel it, you know its working.” After Friday’s workout, I feel the exercises working.

Train at Gameshape provides a total health and fitness program. I just got started so I am measured and weighted in.  Jay says, “Pictures don’t lie.” I got the mug shots too. I need discipline with my workout and diet. On my own, I do whatever I feel like doing which leads to fluctuation in my weight. It’s time to get serious. Train at Gameshape is a serious workout program which I hope will lead to a healthier lifestyle. Seriously, if this guy can help me, God Bless him.

Monday's workout
Although I got started off a little grumpy this morning, I felt better after my workout.  Yea, I got the brake light done too.

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