Thursday, June 28, 2012

Ann Curry Class Act

Ann Curry picture from this morning Today Show

I cried with Ann Curry this morning as she announced that today was her last day on the Today Show. Ann has been on the Today since 1997. Fifteen year ago she started as a news anchor. I start my mornings off with the Today Show so I have watched her for most of that time. What I know from watching Ann report the news is that she is a hard-core news anchor who somehow shows sensitivity in her questioning of major news stories. This is the Ann I like to watch. 

We have been hearing that Ann Curry would be fired from the Today Show because of low ratings. Ann replaced Meredith Vieira after she left last year. Before that Ann was overlooked for Vieira who replaced Katie Couric. So NBC gave Ann a shot as co-host with Matt Lauer. Since the ratings dropped to ABC's Good Morning America, Ann became the “odd man out.” 

NBC is not known for its tact in letting people go. “Transitions between anchors can often be bumpy for networks — even at "Today." When Jane Pauley took over for Barbara Walters in 1976, ratings initially dropped before they stabilized. And Pauley's replacement, Deborah Norville, barely lasted a year before Katie Couric successfully stepped in for her” Los Angeles Times.
And then there was the debacle with Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien Click Here.

NBC is giving Ann her own show to do what I think she does best. So few of us really get to know what our true calling in life is and sometimes it takes some time to get there. Life offers some tough lessons for all of us no matter how we get to our realization. Ann can do without the fluff of the Today Show. I am glad NBC had the sense to keep her so she would not go over to some place like Fox news because I don’t watch Fox news. Go ahead and cry Ann and we will all cry with you tears of joy as you fulfill your true destiny. You go girl!

By the way, the Today Show still won an Emmy.

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